
  • A School, being the second home for a child, serves a number of purposes. From boosting their confidence, to making them learn the importance of team work and socializing, schools do it all. Away from home, schools become the place for children to spend their maximum time.
  • Green Apple Public School is a place where the students’ needs are the centre of the educational philosophy, where excellence is stressed by providing individual attention and the overall social development of the children is carefully nurtured. All aspects of academics are taken care of with due emphasis on interactive learning. Theory and Practical are given due importance.
  • We insist on individual attention, be it a small class size or individual counselling. We aim to provide holistic education and have comprehensive facilities to develop the child’s all-round personality. The classrooms are spacious and equipped with audio-visual aids. The library is well stocked with reference, fictional and non-fictional books. It is equipped with language lab to improve the communication skills. Sufficient space has also been allocated for pursuing various co- curricular activities. Sports form an important part of the daily routine in school and all children are required to take part.